1747-UIC: USB To DH-485 Configuration

The following procedure works with Windows XP through Windows 10 for 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems whether you are using the white Allen Bradley 1747-UIC or the black 1747-UIC.

Make sure you have a recent version of RsLinx, download guide.

RS485 or RS232

When configuring your 1747-UIC, you must determine the required switch position depending on whether you are using the RS485 port or the RS232 port.

If you are using the RJ45 connector then the switch should be set to RS485. 

If you are using the 9 pin DB9 then is should be set to RS232.

COM Port

Open the Device Manager which can be found on Windows 7 and newer PCs by typing Device Manager into the Start Menu. On Windows XP see the link in the description for how to get to it. We are only opening this so that we can see the UIC install when we plug it in, but it can be helpful when troubleshooting.

Plug in your 1747-UIC. It will show up under “Ports (Com and LPT1). Note the com port. Also note, in most Window’s setups, the drivers are already installed on your PC so no additional driver installations are required. If it isn’t showing up, then the drivers can be found on Rockwell downloads page.

Configure RsLinx

Open up RsLinx. Go to Configure Drivers.

Select “DH485 UIC devices” from the drop down menu. Click the “Add New” button.

You can change the name of the driver if you wish, but it can make it easier to go online if you leave it at the default.

Select the com port that you noted when you inserted the 1747-UIC, Select a Device Type of SLC-CH0/Micro/Panelview, a baud rate of 19200, Parity of Even, Stop bits of 1, set Error Checking to CRC, and a Protocol of Full Duplex.

Note: You can use Auto-Configure after connected to device.

Go to RsWho and navigate to your DF1 driver. You should see your PLC. If you don’t, then double check your switch setting on your UIC.

Go Online

Open RsLogix and go to Comms > System Comms...

Navigate to your PLC, and click the “Online” button.

You are now online.


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